Tenacity Dance Company’s
Parent's Corner
Hello parents!
Welcome to your Tenacity Dance Company portal. Life is busy and we want things to be as simple as possible for you while you’re on the go. This is your “go to” page for all things TDC. Enroll, pay your bill online, contact us, schedule appointments/private lessons, learn about fundraising, recitals, find practice videos and everything else right on this page.
First time here, not a problem! Just create your login for you and your dancer. Make sure you write down your password (we’re all guilty).
TDC's Student and Parent Promise
We ask that all of our dancers and parents sign a TDC Promise. These promises are a dancer’s and parent’s understanding that in order for them to be successful they must be committed to fulfilling their promise to themselves and their TDC family. Our promises encourage and promote healthy and positive attitudes both inside and outside the studio.
Studio Policies
We reserve the right to alter these policies at anytime. All policies must be agreed to prior to your dancer attending class.
Small children are not to be left unattended. Students ages 2-9 must be picked up and dropped off by someone inside the building.
Students in a Creative Movement or 4-5 Combo Class/Petite Rehearsal must have a parent present in the building during their class time in case they need to use the bathroom.
Students who arrive to class more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to physically participate in class, they may sit and watch. Students arriving late cause to much distraction, delay class and are not properly warmed-up thus could become injured.
Students should wait in the student waiting area before their class starts. Since the classrooms are now “train style” teachers will now pick up students from the student waiting area and will take them to class.
Only water is allowed inside the classroom. No other food or drink is allowed inside, this includes sports drinks and flavored water.
Students are allowed to eat in permitted areas only. Designated food areas are the parent/student lobby area near the restrooms. Granola bars and small no mess foods are allowed in the student waiting area.
Please pick up after yourself. Be respectful of your surroundings, our generously shared space and beautiful new studio. If TDC finds out that a student or family member is not picking up after themselves, the situation will be addressed and the proper course of action will be taken.
TDC is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
TDC will send out notice of the studio closing for any reason by 3:45pm on that day. We will announce our closing via social media, local news stations and email. TDC does not follow school district closing schedules and will only close the studio if a situation is severe.
Parents and students are expected to follow and abide by the Tenacity Dance Company Student and Parent Promises. Students and parents who violate this code of conduct can be dismissed from TDC.
Tenacity Dance Company wants to provide a safe and nurturing environment for dancers to learn and develop into inspiring young adults. In order to ensure maximum growth of each student the following policies must be adhered too.
Students are expected to be well behaved, respectful, and courteous to both teachers and classmates.
Students are not permitted to talk and/or be disruptive during class time.
Students are expected to pay attention during class. It is important for the safety of the dancer to know how to properly execute a step and hear all correction given in class.
Do not be tardy!! Students need to get ready for class outside of the classroom (please change in designated bathrooms and locker rooms) and should be ready to dance when class time begins. Students more than 15 min late to class will not be allowed to participate unless they have prior approval from Ms. Jayna or Miss Rainin. Unapproved tardy students will have to watch the remainder of class.
- A teacher will come to the door 5 min after class starts to let in any tardy students.
- The classroom door will be open for 5 min after the start of class.
Dancers who need to leave early from class must have a parent inform the teacher and a parent pick up any student under 9.
A teacher will dismiss the student at the necessary time.
All cell phones must be turned off during class. If there is an emergency, please call 316-XXX-XXXX.
Please be respectful of your classmates and teachers belongings. Do not touch or take thing that are not yours unless asked.
Be respectful of the other classes being taught in the facility. And the offices inside the shared space.
Students are encouraged to sit and do homework in between classes in our parent/student waiting area.
All parents and students affiliated with Tenacity Dance Company are expected to abide by these rules of conduct respectfully.
Tenacity Dance Company reserves the right to dismiss any person without reimbursement of tuition and fees for not abiding by this code of conduct.
Tenacity Dance Company does not tolerate bullying.
Students who create a distraction in class may be asked to sit out until they can participate without being a distraction.
All parents are to submit questions and concerns via email FIRST and the necessary steps will be taken from there. Some Q&C’s require phone calls, or sit down meetings while others can be addressed via email.
All questions will be answered within 48 hours. If it is a time sensitive matter, please note that in the subject line of your email.
If your student is in class and you need to get a hold of them, please contact the front desk at 316-xxx-xxxx. Students will not be allowed to check cell phones during class.
If there is an emergency with your child,TDC will contact the emergency contact on their registration form. If medical attention is required, TDC will call if TDC is unable to make family contact.
For questions & concerns regarding trial classes, enrollment, payments/fees, and general information contact Deb at info@tenacitydancecompany.com.
For questions & concerns regarding your child’s dance education please contact Ms. Jayna at jayna@tenacitydancecompany.com or Miss Rainin at rainin@tenacitydancecompany.com
For questions & concerns regarding TDC’s Competitive Company, schedule, or placements, please contact Miss Rainin at rainin@tenacitydancecompany.com.
If your dancer has a concern with a teacher, a meeting with be set with the teacher and student. We expect students to voice their concerns freely and openly and prefer to address concerns with students directly. Parents are not present during most classes and our teachers openly speak with students about what their needs are. What may seem like a big deal to a parent may not to a child because we have came to an understanding with them. We always have the students best interest at heart, and we make sure that all of our TDC dancers understand this.
If a student is under the age of 8 a parent should be present during a teacher-student meeting and only intervene when necessary. Students 9 and older can elect to have a parent present and all meetings will be documented.
Please first take into consideration the following thoughts:
1. The age of your dancer. Classes have combined ages, thus it might take more time for a younger child to master a skill than an older dancer and for them to understand classroom etiquette and dancer responsibility. Some dancers advance quicker than others…this is okay and NORMAL. We will always speak to a parent if we feel that a student is not progressing at a pace we consider acceptable for that dancer.
2. Your dancers personality. No dancer is the same and some students dive right into class while others tend to become more introvert. Some are more focused, some their minds tend to wander. No big deal. We see this and recognize these personality traits in our dancers and teach them in a way that best serves their personality. Dancers who are “fearless” may be encouraged to dance bigger during their free, freeze, or improv dance while ones who are more reserved may be asked to simply skip or pose. Dancers who are easily distracted my need a bit more redirection. Your dancer will grow at the pace that best suits them.
3. How much you encourage your dancer to practice (or how much they do). If you are concerned that your dancer is falling behind assess how much they practice. TDC does require dancers to spend time practicing to help ensure that they do not fall behind. Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.
4. Assess your dancers extracurriculars. If your dancer is one of those kids that is involved in multiple activities they may not have as much time to commit to working on their technique. This too is okay. They may spend an extra year in a lower level or take a little longer to master that pirouette but as long as they spend enough time practicing to keep up on their foundational technique and choreography they will succeed.
5. Injury versus soreness. We won’t ever give your child more than they can handle. Students will be placed according to their weakest skill. Students will be sore, even the younger dancers and this is good. When a student can pinpoint an exact area of pain, then please let us know. Soreness should not burn, be sharp or shooting, or pins and needles. If this happens we will advise you to see a doctor. We are not doctors. Students will also go through growth spurts and those can cause dancers discomfort as well.
6. Save the drama for your mama. TDC is a drama free zone. Now, do we expect there to be zero drama, no…that would be unrealistic. In a world that comprises of mostly females, it is inevitable that there will be drama here and there. TDC will speak with classes about how to effectively implement conflict resolution. This is part of the growing and learning process in the dance community and students will need to have the right tools to cope. TDC will always encourage dancers to try and work the “drama” out on their own. So when is the right time for you to come to TDC with drama concerns? When a conflict between students begins to affect the overall morale of the classroom, demeanor of a dancer, or a dancer does not feel welcomed by their own team, or situations similar…when in doubt, please reach out. Our goal is to address all drama situations before they implode so if you are unsure about a situation please ask us. We may be able to advise in a way that does not need our direct intervention.
Registration ends on December 1st of each season. Students who wish to enroll after December 1st of the fall season will not be eligible for participation in the spring recital. Per demand TDC will open a “non-recital” class after the return of winter break.
All students must register through our online enrollment system Dance Studio-Pro (DSP). If you would like a staff member at TDC to walk you through the enrollment process at the studio, please call our front desk at 989-859-1493 to make an appointment or email us at Info@tenacitydancecompany.com.
A $45 registration fee required at the time of enrollment for at least two family members. Each additional child after two $45 registration fees are paid will receive a 50% discount on registration.
1st months tuition and registration fee are due at the time of enrollment. Once you have registered for class, you may either pay online though the DSP Parent Portal or pay at the front desk during office hours via credit card, cash or check. Registration and 1st month’s tuition must be paid in full before a child can participate in class.
Tuition will be posted and is due on the 1st of every month and has a grace period until the 10th of the month. Tuition that is not paid by the 10th of each month will be assessed a $20 fee the first month, and a $10 late fee each addition month it goes unpaid. After 90 days, unpaid balances will be sent to a collection agency and student(s) will not be allowed to take class at TDC until their balance has been paid.
Tuition payments that are 30 days past due will result in their student sitting out of class until tuition is paid.
A $30 returned check fee will be added to accounts with returned checks. Tuition payments that are 30 days past due will result in their student sitting out of class until tuition is paid.
Tuition can be paid online through the DSP or in person during regular office hours. You can enroll in auto-pay through the DSP and fan pay via PayPal online. If paying in person, cash, check, and all major credit cards accepted.
Students must adhere to our strict dress code. Students who are not in proper dance attire will not be allowed to take the class. Uniforms must be purchased by October 1st of each season and all students are expected to be in proper uniform after that. We understand if an item is backordered or on hold.
All students must purchase each classes required shoes.
All students will have their hair pulled back, both neat and tight into a bun. Students are allowed to wear hair bows and accessories. Headbands are only allowed if they are not going to be a distraction in class and MUST stay on the students head.
No large jewelry. Small earrings, necklaces, bracelets that are close to the body and do not hang are allowed. Students may be asked to remove any jewelry at teacher’s discretion. Athletic trackers are allowed if they are not a distraction.
If a student chooses to accessorize they do so understanding that TDC is not responsible for broken, damaged or lost items.
Healthy personal hygiene is expected of all dancers, both studio and competitive. All TDC students need to have a “clean” and “well-put together” overall look. TDC will address students who may need a hygiene reminder.
For more information on why we have a strict dress code see our FAQ page.
It is important that all students attend class regularly and take time to practice outside of the studio. This helps to create and promote a positive classroom setting where students can learn new steps and grow with their teammates and ensures that students will not fall behind.
Studio Company Dancer Attendance Policy
Classes missed during the fall semester may be made-up through the first week in February of the following year (i.e. class missed in October of 2018 can be made up until the 1st week in February of 2019).
Classes missed during the Spring Semester (after the 2nd week in February) are allowed to be made-up during the summer session. Students must get approval before they can make-up in a class. Please contact Ms. Jayna or Miss Rainin about what is the appropriate class for your child to make-up in.
Starting the 2nd week in February classes will begin their recital dances and students are not permitted to make-up during that time.
Students are allowed to make-up 5 classes per semester.
It is important that all students attend class regularly and take time to practice outside of the studio. This helps to create and promote a positive classroom setting where students can learn new steps and grow with their teammates and ensures that students will not fall behind.
Attendance Policy for Competitive Company Dancers
Parents must fill out a “drop form” if a student is withdrawing from a class. This from is due by the 1st of the month, along with your monthly tuition payment. The effective date of withdrawal will be the last class of the month that the drop is received in. If no notification is give, Tuition will be billed until required notification is received.
TDC reserves the right to cancel any class due to low enrollment. A notification will go out by October 1st if a class is going to be cancelled and another class will be suggested. Tuition on cancelled classes will not be refunded but will be credited to their account for use at a future time.
Parents, family members, and friends will be allowed to observe the last 15 minutes once a month. We ask that observers do not create a distraction during observation and TDC has the right to dismiss any observers who cannot comply with this policy. It is important that the dancers stay focused during the remainder of the class.
TDC Studio and Competitive dancers are showcased in an annual Spring Recital wearing stunning costumes and dancing to creative and inspire choreography. Recital participation is MANDATORY. Each dancer will be charged a non-refundable recital fee that includes the following: costume fee, recital venue fee, and YouTube practice link for dancers 2nd grade and under. This will cover the cost of the production.
Recital fees are due by November 1st. A late fee of $25 will be charged for balances not paid by the last day of class before Thanksgiving break.
- Studio Dancers in 10 and under classes: $155.00
- Additional recital dance costume per dance; $90.00
- Studio Dancers 11 and older, and in Level 1+ classes: $180.00
- Additional recital dance costume per dance: $105.00
Students with outstanding tuition one week prior to recital will not be allowed to perform, no exceptions to this will be made.
A recital DVD will be available for purchase at the end of the season. Videotaping/photography is not allowed during the show.
Please be aware that at dress rehearsal teachers, staff, and students may be walking around or standing in the middle of the stage. Observers are allowed to watch around students, teachers, and staff but cannot ask a teacher, staff, or student to move. Any disrespectful tone or behavior will lead to the dismissal of an observer.
Recital location and exact date TBD.
Dancers are required to purchase a costume for recital. These costumes are selected by the faculty and custom designed to best compliment the type of class and song. A costume is a crucial part of making our recital come to life! One costume is included in your recital fee and each additional costume is an additional charge.
Costume and recital fees – Due in late fall – Costume cannot be ordered until recital fees are paid in full
- Ages 10 and under classes: Creative movement, Primary Acro, 4-6 combo, 6-10 classes.
- $155- includes costume fee, recital fee, and link to YouTube practice videos
- $90 per additional class costume fee
- Ages 11 and older: Studio classes.
- $180- includes costume fee, recital fee, and link to YouTube practice videos.
- $105 per additional class costume fee.
Private lessons are $55.00 per hour and $30.00 per half hour and are billed as an “added Private fee” in tuition. Payment for privates is required before the lessons begin.
Dancers must sign up for private lessons with Ms. Jayna, Miss Rainin, or Miss Taylor and can only be done when studio and teacher time is available.
24 hour cancellation notice is required or the student will be charged for the lessons and will be required to pay before they can schedule another one. We encourage all students to reschedule cancelled private lessons and no student with a past due balance will be allowed to schedule a private until balance is paid.
Tenacity Dance Company will be taking pictures and videos during class and reserve the right to post all photos and videos on our website, social media and can be used for the promotion of TDC. If a student cannot be posted on one of our social media outlets or website, please contact us.
2023-2024 Tenacity Dance Company Monthly Tuition Fees (organized by hours of class per week):
$48.00 – 30 minutes
$55.00 – 45 minutes
$60.00 – 1 hour
$75.00- 1 hour 15 minutes
$90.00 – 1 hour 30 minutes
$103.00- 1 hour 45 minutes
$115.00- 2 hours
$127.00- 2 hours 15 minutes
$140.00- 2 hours 30 minutes
$152.00-2 hours 45 minutes
$162.00- 3 hours
$172.00- 3 hours 15 minutes
$180.00- 3 hours 30 minutes
$190.00- 3 hours 45 minutes
$197.00- 4 hours
$206.00- 4 hours 15 minutes
$216.00- 4 hours 30 minutes
$226.00- 4 hours 45 minutes
$237.00- 5 hours
$246.00- 5 hours 15 minutes
$251.00- 5 hours 30 minutes
$255.00- 5 hours 45 minutes
$270.00- 6 hours
$300.00- 7+ hours
2022-2023 Calendar
Click the button below to access TDC’s 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
Recital Information
Holiday Showcase: TENTATIVELY scheduled for Sunday, December 11th, OR Sunday, December 18th, 2022.
Spring Recital: TENTATIVELY scheduled for June 5th-9th, 2023.
Thanks for being a part of the TDC family!